This Cartoon Nails It

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A picture is worth a thousand words and in these times…I easily defer to the one above. Seriously, back in 2016, I would have assumed that the GOP was made of sterner stuff. But it’s now obvious that the Banna Republicans in congress have surrendered all their values and all integrity for the sake of keeping their phony-baloney jobs.

Seriously, I can’t believe they’re all so stupid as to believe that Trump is somehow good for the country (a statistical improbability). But I am also certain that not a one will vote to remove the cretin from office once this trial is concluded for fear of the wrath of his bigoted base.

As for me, I served in Iraq…twice. I was NOT the bravest of the brave, but I still did every job handed to me to the best of my ability even when people tried to kill me. Why? Because I believed I was serving my country and that there is no higher calling. In fact, thousands of us risked our lives and some didn’t ever come home. We did it not for wealth or power but the simple proposition that America was worth it. With that in mind, I have absolutely no respect for a congressman who’s not even willing to risk his job for our nation.


By Clayton Callahan


Just A Bad Tennant

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When I talk to Trump supporters, they often seemed puzzled by my continued RESISTANCE three years into his term. They, of course, talk up the economy, while bosting that the country is somehow stronger overseas and all is seemingly well at home.

It’s not, but it’s a fools errand to tell them otherwise. After all, this is a class of people who never spent much time investigating facts. When I point out evidence that the economy isn’t working for everybody or that we are actually weaker internationally, they balk. Trump supporters counter that we aren’t in a depression or a war so things must be great! Right?

Naturally, I beg to differ. Just because your house isn’t on fire does not mean all is well.

I like to compare Trump to a man who rents a house, and in effect, that’s exactly what he is. Despite his belief to the contrary, Trump doesn’t own the White House–not now, not ever. Furthermore, the American military isn’t filled with “his generals,” and the nation is not his to do with as he pleases. He is but the 45th tenant to reside in the executive mansion and We The People are his landlords. So a relevant question is, how well has he taken care of our property?

Well, if we merely drive past, our rental house looks all right from the outside. The stock market continues to climb and the unemployment rate has dropped. And if we were to call our tenant up on the phone we’d hear nothing but great things. He would brag to us that the military is stronger than under the last tenant, and claim that our neighbors have more respect for our property rights than ever before. But a good landlord wouldn’t hang up the phone and leave it at that; especially upon hearing rumors to the contrary from the wider community.

True, the stock market is up, but it was also up under our last tenant (even though that guy never got any credit for it). Also, much of the growth is from “stock buybacks,” where the wealthy reacquire shares in their own companies without adding any additional value. And worryingly, this past summer the market experienced a reverse yield curve, indicating that recession is on the horizon. Furthermore, the drop in unemployment isn’t because high paying coal mining jobs are coming back. Far from it! In fact, American industry has continued to take hit after hit due to Trump’s tariffs. And it’s not just industrial jobs that are in a recession; farm bankruptcies were up by 25% in 2019. Trump’s bragging about this economy is like the tenant who tapes up a poster to cover a hole in the wall or shuts the door on the downstairs bathroom never to use it again after the toilet backed up. Things are breaking in our economy, but the Trump-supporting landlord who merely drives by the property will never notice and the bad tenant will never tell.

As for our international standing in the world, sad to say, our neighbors are simply no longer sure that they can trust the USA. Sure, Trump supporters love it when he talks tough to the president of France or insults Canada’s prime minister. But remember, folks, these are our ALLIES! To our enemies such as Russia and North Korea, he lavishes praise on their leaders. That’s like showing up at a neighborhood watch meeting, insulting the cops, and telling everyone that the local street gang isn’t really all that bad. No wonder the neighbors are ringing up us landlords and asking that we take a closer look at our current tenant.

I can go on all day, but I won’t (after all, most of my readers have jobs). I could talk about the flight of experienced staff from critical government agencies, the rampant corruption of Trump’s administration, or the immigration policy that he vowed to fix but has only gotten worse under his watch (illegal entries are UP not down). Unfortunately, no matter how much I explain, the absentee landlords among us don’t seem to care. After all, the last rent check cleared (after that misunderstanding at the bank was cleared up anyway), and the house looks good from the street.

But the attentive landlords among us are growing ever more concerned, and we know there will be a reckoning when this guy moves out.

Sure, we may get lucky and find a new tenant who’s handy with a hammer. That would be a break indeed because well we know the amount of damage tenant Trump is now wrecking. The new tenant will find trash in every room, holes in the walls, stopped up plumbing and a national debt approaching one trillion dollars. Perhaps this new tenant will prove handy enough to fix all of this, but even so, it would be years before we collected another rent check. After all, in any business, there is always a price to pay–for new paint, carpentry, and new light fixtures. Not to mention lagging infrastructure costs, the hiring and training of new staff to shore up demoralized agencies, and the expense for all those lawsuits pending over Trump’s immigration and environmental policies. We who are paying attention know that all of this will have to be paid for before any profit can be eked out of this once lucrative property.

And in the next administration, when that bill comes due, you can count on hearing Trump’s supporters singing one of two songs, either, “We Didn’t Know Trump Was This Bad” by Lou Dobbs, or “Why Is This New President Taking So Long To Fix Our House” by Shawn Hannity.

And neither one is music to my ears.

Clayton Callahan


The Bully

Image result for be best trump bully

Sad to say, I’ve had a lot of experience with bullies…I work in a prison.

For over twenty years now, I’ve had the unique opportunity to watch how schoolyard tough guys behave once they’re all grown up. And I’ve got to tell ya’, there is little to no difference from age 14 to 41 to a bully. Sad to say, this is a class of human beings that simply doesn’t mature much over time. I could posit that a 40-year-old bully at least has a more sophisticated vocabulary than the average teenage punk; but I must confess that is seldom, if ever, the case.

So what makes a bully tick?

From outside observations, one can easily deduce a bully’s thinking. Their rationale is apparently the quite simple belief that; “Force makes people back down, therefore it can always be used to create win/lose situations and the strongest will invariably come out on top.” Using this straightforward proposition, they confidently strut through life, getting in other people’s faces to get their way. However, there’s one problem—this strategy seldom works as they intend.

Face it, people naturally dislike being pushed around. When folks encounter a bully, they are often filled with the desire to see the jerk fall flat on his face–and will sometimes arrange things to ensure that happens. However, for us non-bullys a wider range of strategies exists. Options for dealing with such an ass range from ignoring him when the stakes are insignificant to punching him in the face. And as face-punching can result in assault charges, bullies are ignored by us more often than punched, which leads them to the false assumption that they are winning.

Yet, what they often mistake for a victim backing down is more likely a subterfuge along the lines of, “I’m going to lie to your face, and tell you what you want to believe and then disregard your wishes post haste,” or “Sure, Mr. Bully, I’ll do what you demand but, dude, wait ‘till you see my bill.”

This brings us to a certain bully named Trump (you may have heard of him), and his grotesque understanding of foreign policy. The examples of this Neanderthal throwing American weight around in a vulgar attempt to cow enemies and allies alike are numerous. But since we are on the verge of war with Iran (again), I will focus on this one recent example.

After pulling out of the Iran Nucellar Deal, Trump’s mouthpiece, Pompeo, delivered a list of twelve things Iran would need to do in order to get a new deal.  As that list included many things that were totally unacceptable to the Iranians they chose to ignore the bully. When Trump realized the Iranians were blowing him off, he applied “maximum pressure” in the form of sanctions that actually did wreck the Iranian economy. After all, since the bully’s creed is “Force makes people back down,” the only thing the bully can think of when he fails is to add more force.

But as previously stated, this seldom works, even when the bully is persistent.

By this point, the Iranians have figured out that they cannot just ignore this bully. They have tried their best to avoid him, but the big jerk just keeps coming back. So what are their choices? Cower, submit and never again be respected on the world stage? Or fight back? Especially after the death of General Soleimani, I would expect them to fight back. Therefore, the missile strike of January 9th didn’t surprise me in the least. The question is, how surprised was Trump and what will he do now that his one, and only one, strategy has failed yet again?

My guess, he’ll declare victory and run away like the little coward he is and has always been.

Clayton Callahan


An Anonymous Warning To Us All

I recently finished reading one of the most important books of our era; A Warning by Anonymous. It purports to be written by “a senior official inside the Trump administration.” My guess would be Kellyann Conway but who knows? All we do know is that The Washington Post vouches for the author, and that will just have to do for now.

After reading it cover to cover, a clear understanding comes forth about the forces that are arrayed against American democracy today. Tp be blunt; they are a bunch of little cowards who are now so scared that at any moment they may wet their pants.

Now, please, let me explain that last remark.

The author describes Trump as I have always observed him to be; a loud, intemperate, ignorant bully with no impulse control and a monstrous ego. Apparently, Trump has no “other side” to show to those who are close to him. It seems that the flailing maniac behind the podium at a Trump rally is the same guy to be found behind the oval office desk. Which is to say, it’s not an act, folks, he really is this flipping unhinged!

Furthermore, his character isn’t some secret that’s been cleverly hidden from the Banna Republicans in the House or Senate. Anonymous states that everyone uppon meeting Trump realizes right away what an immature nitwit he is, yet they choose to go along with him. And that point bears repeating–they choose to go along with him! Despite the fact that everyone from Mitch McConnell to Devin Nunes knows he’s nuts the still support Trump in every possible way they can. No matter how incredibly stupid Trump’s bumbles may be, the Banana Republicans will still stand by him 100%.

The relevant question, of course, is “why?”

I can only draw one conclusion and here it is; it’s because not a one of them gives a crap about our country! True, they care about their own careers, their donors, and their “Grand Old Party” but the country and its people can go screw for all the Republicans in congress care. And to stand up to Trump is to risk losing all of that because one tweet can bring the wrath of his base down upon them. By now, the few Republicans who felt otherwise have left office like Jeff Flake has or switched to become Independent as Justin Amash has. The remaining Republicans in office are all unwavering sycophants for the toddler in chief.

The lesson of Anonymous’s book is not that things with Trump are as bad as they seem, but that the country is far worse off than it seems. It’s an open question as to how much longer our national institutions can take this kind of abuse. How much longer it will be before there are no civil servants willing to stand up and testify? How much longer will America even be said to have allies overseas? And exactly how much longer we will have any civil rights left in this nation at all? Hundreds of thousands of voters have been purged and conservative judges say that’s okay. Will your voter registration be next on the chopping block?

I now fully realize that we must go beyond getting rid of Trump. We must also remove each and every one of his enablers from public office. Get rid of Trump only, and the new president will have too many knives in his/her back to do any real good. To turn this nation around, the whole corrupt kit and caboodle in congress needs to go out the door (or window) as soon as possible. The only good Republican politician is an unemployed Republican politician! You know it, I know it, and Anonymous knows it. Now let’s get to work, folks…November is coming.

By Clayton Callahan

Oh What A Beautiful Beautiful Night

The above picture was taken on Impeachment Eve, and now it’s here! It’s here! Impeachment Day finally came! Oh, but my friends, these things don’t just happen. It took a lot of long hard work on the part of us common folk who made up our minds and stood up after the disaster of 2016.

First, we mourned, then we got organized, and then we RESISTED with more energy and passion than the conservatives ever thought possible. Well I can imagine Mitch McConnell and the Koch brothers sipping gin as they watched the Women’s March on the TV back in 2017. In my mind I see Mitch as he knocks back his tumbler and turns to Charles and David saying, “Don’t worry, this will all blow over soon.”

But it didn’t blow over, and in 2018 the Blue Wave took back the people’s House that made this impeachment possible. But we still had hard work to do and we knew it. After the Muller Report was released we demanded congress act. They didn’t but they felt the heat, and when Trump fu*ked up again the phones lit up in every office on Capitol Hill. Now we’ve gotten an impeachment and doesn’t victory smell sweet!

But, as you are well aware, the fight is not over. Trump will likely as not survive the Senate trial and keep his job…for now. And the “for now” part is worth remembering. After all, what are the odds that the Orange Baboon will straighten up and fly right from here to November 2020?

That’s right–ZERO!

Count on it, Trump will fu*k up bigly again. It will be spectacular, embarrassing, and all over the Banna Republican’s face. And when he does, the RESISTANCE will once again light up those phones and take to the streets. Hell, Trump might prove to be the only American president to be impeached twice in his first and only term.

So don’t quit! Keep up the pressure. This is our country we are talking about here, and we will stay in the fight as long as it takes!

By Clayton Callahan

Shaming Melania Trump Revisited

Back when this s*it show of a presidency kicked off years ago, I wrote a little post entitled “No Slut Shaming Melania.” At the time, I argued that she was an irrelevant trophy wife who served only as a distraction. Besides, I personally abhor “slut-shaming” as it assumes others have the right to comment on a woman’s sexual habits. It was her husband, I declared, that posed the real threat to America and it was him that deserved all of our ire.

But as of today, I have modified my views.

Today, Melania Trump has stood by her atrocious husband as he cyberbullies a sixteen-year-old girl, Greta Thunberg. Apparently, this all started when the Twit In Chief got miffed that Thunberg was declared Time Magazine’s “person of the year,” and he wasn’t.

“So ridiculous,” Trump tweeted. “Greta must work on her Anger Management problem, then go to a good old-fashioned movie with a friend! Chill Greta, Chill!”

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the president of the United States… Seriously, this behavior would be beneath anyone save a high school bully, which is exactly what Donald Trump is. He is the eternal teenage bully who never grew up and can’t stop himself from punching down. I understand that and so does the rest of America. And yes, even Trump’s supporters acknowledge he’s a bully they just happen to think it a good thing–sad I know. But bullying is also supposedly the thing in Melania’s sights as she wages her “BeBest” campaign. So naturally, she was asked to square this circle by the media and her response was as follows:

“BeBest is the First Lady’s initiative, and she will continue to use it to do all she can to help children. It is no secret that the President and First Lady often communicate differently — as most married couples do. Their son is not an activist who travels the globe giving speeches. He is a 13-year-old who wants and deserves privacy.”

Now, the reference to her son concerns public remarks made by Stanford law professor Pamela Karlan. Ms. Karlan, it seems, recently mocked her son Baron at a hearing. Now, I DO NOT support Karlan’s remarks, and I understand she has since apologized as well she should. But to fail to defend a child simply because she’s a public figure is to support the kind of punching down that bullies always reveal in.

And as the accomplice of murder is also guilty of murder, the accomplice of a bully is guilty of bullying. So, for me, it’s now it’s open season on Melania Trump and her sham anti-bullying crusade. Perhaps I’m late to the party, but my camel’s back just got broke, and here I am.

And, Melania dear, if you are reading this, I say in all sincerity; f*ck you and the husband you rode in on.

By Clayton Callahan